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Statement: Markus Ferber, MEP on a Digital Euro

Today, the European Central Bank has unveiled its plan to introduce a digital Euro and start a two-year investigation period. German Conservative MEP, Markus Ferber, who is the EPP Coordinator in the Economic and Monetary Committee explained:

„The digitalisation of the economy and the payment system progresses with great speed. The ECB is right to move ahead with the project of a digital Euro. It is a disappointment though that despite months of preliminary works, the ECB has still not unveiled any design features of the digital euro.

For the time being, the ECB has not managed to clearly demonstrate the usefulness of a digital euro for ordinary citizens. While the benefits for the corporate sector conceivable, the digital Euro should also deliver tangible benefits for European citizens.

During its investigation period, the ECB should pay particular attention to the effects of a digital euro on the banking sector. If the introduction of a digital euro causes banks to struggle to collect deposits and lend to the real economy, the side-effects of digital euro might be too severe.

One thing must be crystal clear: The digital euro can complement cash as a means of payment, but must not replace it.“

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