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Statement: vote on MiFID II (“Quick Fix⤝)

Today, the European Parliamentâ¤(TM)s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee voted on the Commissionâ¤(TM)s proposal to delay the entry into force of MiFID II by a year (“Quick Fix⤝). Apart from adapting the dates, the ECON committee also voted in favour of a few targeted amendments to create a specific transparency regime for packaged transactions, introduce a clarification for the own account exemption and exempt securities financing transactions from the MiFID II transparency rules. The European Parliamentâ¤(TM)s Rapporteur for MiFID II, Markus Ferber, MEP, explained:

“The failure of the European Commission to come up with the pieces of implementing legislation that are needed to fully implement MiFID II made todayâ¤(TM)s vote necessary. Todayâ¤(TM)s vote will help giving Member States, supervisory authorities and market participants enough time to transpose and implement the new provisions. Now it is up to the Commission to finally deliver the implementing legislation. Apart from adapting the dates, the European Parliament also took the opportunity to amend certain other aspects of MiFID II that have proven to be problematic. I am now looking forward to finalise the negotiations with the Council swiftly in order to establish certainty for all relevant actors as soon as possible.⤝

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